Guillaume “Zifro” Desrat’s former blog

HTTPS blocked ? Use secure HTTP authentication then !

Filed under: code — Zifro November 30, 2006 @ 12:55 am

Alexis, an active member of Ruby France (you know, the French guys fond of Ruby), has set up a blog on : Alexis’ notes @

We only discussed Ruby code and software design twice (as far as I remember), but I was impressed by his knowledge and the way he quickly solved a problem by offering to use a Mediator design pattern.
I’m looking forward reading some Ruby code he gonna write !

In his first post, he writes a proposal to put an end to unsecure HTTP authentication, without HTTPS. I haven’t tested it yet, but it makes sense to me when I read it.
I strongly encourage you to go and read his proposal, comment his ideas, and go back later to read more on his blog.

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