Guillaume “Zifro” Desrat’s former blog

Very good week-end

Filed under: friends, geek — Zifro October 15, 2006 @ 11:16 pm

It was a very good three days week-end.
I left home early (around 7 am) on Friday morning, and drove to Lyon.

The job interview went fine ; I think I was quite good, and I’ll soon have a phone call from their recruitment service, to be interviewed by another person. Wait and see.

The JDLL were very interesting, especially the Mozilla security conference made by Tristan NITOT and Paul ROUGET’s presentation about XUL & XPCOM. Yes, I like Mozilla stuff.
Lucas NUSSBAUM gave a lighting talk to present Ruby, but it was too troll-focused ; at least he did it.

I have a great time of fun with fredix, alexis, pouype, Fraifrai and jsh. They are people I knew on IRC only before this day (except for Fraifrai). We had lunch and dinner together, talked about all and nothing, Ruby France, Linux, OpenBSD, and so on…

fredix asked me if I would present something about Ruby next year… why not ? :)

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