Guillaume “Zifro” Desrat’s former blog

I don’t get the point

Filed under: f*cking life, countdown to civil war — Zifro November 1, 2006 @ 7:48 am

Please explain me, if you know, why I got woken up at 4 o’clock, by around fifteen young arabs, 10 to 14 years old looking, wandering in the streets, shouting “we’re messing your life, ahahahaha ! we’re fucking your night, ahahahaha ! but we’re French !”.

Of course they are French, I didn’t doubt on that. But what’s the purpose of bothering people so late (or early) ? What do their parents do to educate them ? What the hell do 14 years old boys do in the streets at 4 am ?

Is it the premise of another riots, like a year ago ?
Damn, it might be THEIR way to party for Halloween !

Oh, of course, you shouldn’t pay attention to what I write about arabs, since I have a French flag in my flat, which categorizes me as “nationalist”, so by extension “racist”, and not “patriot”…

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