Guillaume “Zifro” Desrat’s former blog

OpenBSD 4.0

Filed under: *BSD — Zifro November 1, 2006 @ 1:54 am

Well, as every six months, the OpenBSD team releases a new version of their operating system. It is known to be (one of) the most secure and reliable operating systems avalaible, mainly used in servers (but some folks might want to run it as their desktop, day-to-day system).

The 4.0 version, programmed for November 1st, has a lot of improvements, and a new packaging : the CD case is like a DVD one now.

Beside that, I don’t understand why they don’t get sued by the owner of “Astérix & Obélix” , Albert René Editions, as the OpenBSD 4.0 artwork looks like it. Weird.

As usual, you can order a CD set and/or make a donation to the project.

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